Audrey and Chester

We have the rest of forever,
for long walks and late talks and laughter
for kisses, and promises for autumns and springs..

“Thank you for very much for marrying me. Now I am officially the happiest man in the world. I am very thankful to God
’cause He has given me someone who understands me like no one else could,
someone who believes in me, in my dreams, and care about my feelings, someone who accepts me for who I am…the list can go on.
Yet despite of all, you still love me unconditionally.”
– Chester

“Langga, today in front of all our friends and relatives and in front of the Lord, I take you as my husband.
I promise to always know where your keys are and to always remind you how special and wonderful you are.
I promise to tell you everyday that I love you and that no matter what happens, I will always be by your side.”
– Audrey